Hiner Outdoor Living in Colorado Springs, CO needed to dress up their storage container that was located near their office and show room. I set to work to create this Koi Fish mural that transformed the space and took a ugly storage container into a conversation piece mural for customers – maybe even a few extra Koi fish ponds exist today because of inspired customers who saw this koi fish mural before they walked into the show room. The sky is the limit!
The Challenges for this mural are the corrugated wavy metal that this was painted on. This needed to look stellar from any angle, so I needed to walk around a lot as I created this, to make sure there weren’t any shifting perspectives that were off.
Every project is so unique because every individual I work with is so unique. You have a part in developing your next work of art!
If you have a concept you would love to see come to life, but don’t know where to start please feel free to text, call, or email!
— Artist Michael Beenenga
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