Oftentimes the dilemma of privacy or a required wall for the purposes of engineering and safety requirements clash with the desire for beautiful aesthetics in a home or business.
In this home, the placement of the pool room with lots of windows to let in natural light as well as the outdoor hot tub would have given a wide open view to any neighbors or anyone passing through.
The stucco privacy wall was necessary to allow them to feel comfortable in their space, however, it isn’t as appealing as the view that they would have had without it.
So I set out to design and paint a faux ivy wall to soften the look of the stucco and dress up the area into what will be a beautiful backyard oasis once the landscaping is finished!
Every project is so unique because every individual I work with is so unique. You have a part in developing your next work of art!
If you have a concept you would love to see come to life, but don’t know where to start please feel free to text, call, or email!
— Artist Michael Beenenga
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